Sophie Peng

I express my deep remorse.


Are we living in an age of apologies? This project is a visualization of over 300 political apologies in recent years. By examining the time, content, stakeholders and occasions of each political apology, it provides a different perspective to understand these apologies and their role in our society.

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Shirley Liu

Do You Watch Netflix Or Does Netflix Watch You?


Big data plays a huge role in today's digital age, so I decided to examine the extremely popular streaming service called Netflix. They collect data on everything from every screenshot you take, every time you hit pause or play, your exact location. This visualization focuses on Netflix's influence on the world and highlights different aspects that make up top TV shows globally.

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Lexie Liu

Jump Scares


“Ten Jigaboo boys went out to dine…” Horror directors love JUMP SCARES. Jump scares are "quick moments of action within a shot that surprises the audience and character.” (Draven 52) A good jump scare makes audiences jump from their seats!


Jiapei Yao

Whose Stories Get to be Heard?


The issue of diversity in the film industry has always been a hot but unarguable topic. And because of the nature of storytelling and entertainment for the mass audience of films, this lack of diversity ultimately leads to the question of “who gets to tell the stories”  and “whose stories get to be heard” , which could consolidate inequalities to some extent.

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